ABS Unveils Cutting-Edge Power Transmission Solutions at AISTech 2023, Reinforcing Commitment to Advancing the Steel Industry

We closed our participation in AISTech 2023 with high expectations. In an edition that has managed to break records in terms of exhibitors and visitors, we are pleased to have had the opportunity to continue interacting with industry leaders and learn about the latest trends and technologies in the STEEL market. AISTech has always been a key steel event for our company and we hope will continue to be so in the future.

During the conference, we were able to showcase our latest power transmission solutions and how they can help manufacturing steel plants improve their efficiency and productivity. Our high customization capacity, versatility, and proximity make us unique.

Our exceptional Steel team in the USA, Anibal Arrascue y Andrew Dykes, had the chance to discuss short-term challenges that companies face and how we can help overcome them. This enabled us to build new business relationships while also strengthening our existing ones.

We thank everyone who visited ABS Atlantic Bearing booth and look forward to staying in touch in the future. See you at AISTech 2024!

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