ABS Wind and Comerwind bid farewell to WindEnergy Hamburg with a warm reception from the European wind energy industry

We say goodbye to WindEnergy Hamburg, where we shared a booth with Comerwind for the first time as exhibitors.

During these days, we have focused primarily on our line of supplies of spare parts and components for wind turbines worldwide.

The social context conditions and accelerates the energy transition towards renewables. The wind sector continues to grow in Europe and much of the world, and in this environment, ABS Wind is in a privileged position to continue to serve as a global partner to major wind turbine manufacturers, owners, and wind farm O&M companies.

Contact Nelson Carrodeguas for additional details about international wind turbine component supplies.

Guillermo Anclares and Nelson Carrodeguas at the booth of ABS Wind and Comerwind at WindEnergy Hamburg

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