Cementos Argos rates ABS Atlantic Bearing 95 out of 100 as a supplier of customized bearings and power transmission solutions for its cement plants

Cementos Argos, a leading company in the cement and concrete industry in LATAM, has shared with us the performance evaluation of ABS Atlantic Bearing Services as a supplier of customized bearings and power transmission solutions for its cement plants in the Dominican Republic. With an overall rating of 95% during the year 2021. According to the different evaluation criteria, ABS has been rated 90% for the quality of our products and solutions, 93% for our agility in responding to the additional requests of the company, 100% for our competitive prices, and 98% for our compliance with deliveries according to the agreed conditions. At ABS, we are convinced of the importance of establishing trusting relationships with all our clients, becoming key support to reduce their risks, and helping them generate value and positively impact their line of business. This recognition, which we are grateful for and proud of, is an extra motivation for our local team in the Dominican Republic, led by Ury Abreu, and for all the company’s personnel involved. Visit one of our projects for the Cement Industry in the Dominican Republic: Repowered Gearbox for Cementos Argos RD Main Mill Drive  

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